Platforms to make money online

If you're looking for a way to make money online, there are many options available. The truth is that making money online isn't easy - but it doesn't have to be difficult either. In fact, many people are able to make a decent chunk of change each month just by using their existing skills and knowledge. Here's what I've learned from my own experience:


Amazon is a great place to start. It has millions of products, customers and employees, which all makes it an ideal platform for you to build your business on.

Amazon has a lot of competition as well; there are other e-commerce players like Alibaba, eBay and Google Shopping who offer similar services at cheaper prices than Amazon does.

It's also important that you know how much money you can make with this method before going all in because it will take time for your product or service (or both) to become popular enough that people would be willing yourself into buying from them instead of going through thousands other listings first just so they don't miss out on something better than what's already available online today!


Etsy is a global marketplace for handmade and vintage goods. It's a great place to sell your handmade goods, especially if you're in the creative arts. There are millions of buyers on Etsy who are looking for things like hand-painted ceramics, art prints by local artists or vintage clothes. You can also sell your own designs on Etsy if you have a product that's unique enough to stand out from the crowd!

Etsy sellers can earn up to $1 million per year through their website alone!


eBay is a great place to sell your stuff, find people who want to buy your stuff and even make some money while you're at it.

You can sell anything on eBay—from old CDs and DVDs to books and electronics. If you've got something that's in good condition but no longer being used, then why not put it up for sale? You'll probably be able to find someone willing to pay more than what you paid for it in the first place!

If there's no one around who wants what you have lying around in your garage/shed/basement (or wherever), then maybe try posting an item listing online instead? There are hundreds of websites out there where people have created databases of items that they think other potential buyers would be interested in purchasing...and if those databases turn out useful enough then maybe these sites will start becoming popular too!


Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that allows people to raise money for creative projects. It's one of the most popular ways to get your idea off the ground, and it can be an exciting way to make some extra cash if you're into that kind of thing.

Kickstarter works like this: you create a project on their website (or through their app), then set up a funding goal (the amount of money you need) and complete deadline (when your project must be completed). If people like what they see, they pledge money toward making your project happen and if enough people pledge at least $1 each then those pledges are converted into real dollars via PayPal or Amazon Payments.

Market America:

If you're looking for a way to make money online, look no further than Market America. This company offers a wide range of products that can be sold on their site, including the opportunity to invest in real estate and make money by investing your funds with them.

To get started at Market America, you'll need access to an email address from another platform like Facebook or Gmail. You can also use an existing social media account if you have one (though this isn't necessary). Once you've signed up and verified your identity through these methods—and provided some basic information about yourself—you'll receive confirmation emails from Market America indicating when it's time for them to verify more details about your profile before accepting new members into the program.

Once approved as an investor/buyer/seller on the marketplace website platform itself (which takes only minutes), users will be able to start making money right away! The amount each person earns depends largely upon how much they've invested in properties so far; however there are other ways investors can earn even more income too: by renting out rooms or apartments within their own homes; buying furniture items which other people want removed from those same homes; etcetera ad infinitum--the possibilities really do seem endless!


Quizlet is a platform that lets you create online flashcards for your students. You can also use Quizlet's library of pre-made flashcards, or create your own.

You can use Quizlet to create quizzes for your students and then share them with other people who are interested in taking the same course as you!


Shopify is a platform that makes it easy to set up and run a store. It has many features, including:

     A wide range of options for selling products online

     An easy-to-use user interface that's friendly for anyone who wants to sell things on the internet but doesn't know much about coding or web design

Shopify also allows you to sell physical goods like clothes or books through their "Storefronts" section. This means that no matter what you're selling whether it's digital downloads or physical products—you can use the same platform when setting up your shop!

There are a lot of viable options for making money online:

There are a lot of viable options for making money online. There are many platforms that offer opportunities to make money online, and each one has its own pros and cons.

For example, you could choose to build an app or create a blog where you share your knowledge with the world. Or you could do freelance work as an independent contractor through sites like Upwork and Fiverr.

There are also sites where people pay each other for tasks like writing copywriting articles or designing websites from scratch (such as Freelancer). Some of these services will allow users to earn extra cash by doing surveys for companies so they can get paid in cash instead of just points redeemable into gift cards or merchandise purchases!


If you’re looking for some additional income, it’s important to find a way that works best for you.

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